Virus origin in doubt: Researchers at Wuhan lab not just sick in November 2019, but hospitalized

Virus origin in doubt: Researchers at Wuhan lab not just sick in November 2019, but hospitalized

Washington Times

Researchers who worked at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China fell so ill with COVID-19-like symptoms in November 2019 they had to be hospitalized, according to a U.S. intelligence report that is sparking another look at the mysterious origins of the pathogen that upended the world.

The Wall Street Journal reported on the undisclosed intelligence report on Monday.

A State Department fact sheet issued in January under the Trump administration said researchers had gotten sick on the cusp of the outbreak, which was discovered in Wuhan in December 2019. But the new report underscores the extent of their symptoms.

The Journal said the intelligence was offered by an “international partner” but with divided sources, with some saying it needed shoring up and others saying it was of “exquisite quality.”

Either way, the report is sure to fuel suspicions the virus wasn’t of natural origins, particularly as the World Health Organization convenes for a global assembly and faces questions about its next steps in its fact-finding efforts

This Story First Appeared At The Washington Times


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