Gianni Infantino re-elected as FIFA President

Gianni Infantino re-elected as FIFA President


FIFA President, Gianni Infantino has been re-elected for another term. He will lead the World’s Football Governing body till 2027 after winning unopposed at the congress of world football’s governing body on Thursday.

 The 52-year-old Swiss lawyer, who succeeded former FIFA president, Sepp Blatter in 2016, was waved in for a third term by acclamation, just as he was four years ago, by delegates from the 211 member federations.

 “To all those who love me, and I know there are so many, and also those who hate me, I know there are a few: I love you all,” Infantino told delegates in Kigali, the Rwandan capital. 

While FIFA statutes currently limit a president to a maximum of three four-year terms, Infantino has already prepared the ground to stay until 2031, declaring in December that his first three years at the helm did not count as a full term…


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