“What were they doing in the desk?!”

“What were they doing in the desk?!”


Fox News coverage of the former president and his alleged hiding and removal of top secret and classified documents has varied from news to opinion show. According to a 2018 law signed by then-President Trump, however, the possession of classified material is a felony, one that Citizen Trump appears to be guilty of at least according to a photo released by the DOJ that reveals classified documents seized from Mar-a-Lago after multiple attempts to retrieve them had failed.

It was that very image that struck Doocy, as he asked the Fox & Friends director to bring it back up on screen for viewers to see.

“Keep in mind, according to the filing, the agents found three classified documents in Donald Trump’s desks,” Doocy noted with a level of shock. “What were they doing in the desk?!”

“And when you look at these particular things right here, at least five yellow folders marked top secret and another secret SCI —that stands for sensitive compartmentalized information — these are the biggest secrets in the world!” Doocy continued — sharing a level of stunned disbelief that any reasonable person might have.


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