Trump: McConnell is 'bad news,' 'negative' for GOP, 'he'll be gone'

Trump: McConnell is 'bad news,' 'negative' for GOP, 'he'll be gone'


Former President Donald Trump continues to make it clear he is no fan of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., after making a call for McConnell’s removal from his GOP leadership role.

“The party is furious with him,” Trump told “The John Fredericks Show” on Thursday. “We have to put up with him for a period of time, but eventually, he’ll be gone.

“He’ll be gone. He’s bad news.”

Trump called for McConnell’s ouster as leader “immediately” last week, but is not apparently ready to accept he will remain Senate leader at least until the new senators are sworn in come January, needing McConnell’s fundraising for candidates in these midterms through the Senate Leadership Fund (SLF).

“Who would’ve known that he turned out so bad?” Trump added. “He’s not good and we’re going to go through him. And then we’ll have to do something later on. We’ll have to do something with him. You know, he raises money, and he hands it out to senators, and that’s how he keeps his power…


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