I cried thursday night, but Biden made me feel better on Friday

I cried thursday night, but Biden made me feel better on Friday

The Lid Blog

President Biden on Friday said he does not consider any Donald Trump supporters to be a “threat” to the U.S. He said things that most people who supported MAGA goals would agree with.

He said the failure to condemn violence for political gains was “inappropriate.”

Holy Cow. I agree. People who use violence to make a political statement are wrong, and our leaders should condemn them publicly. I may have been sick with COVID and missed when the President scolded the people who encouraged and attempted to kill Supreme Court Justices after they ruled that abortion was a State rather than a Federal Issue. …

I think that people should acknowledge the results of an election. The Democrats who refused to acknowledge Trump’s 2016 win were very wrong. The states that changed the voting rules at the last minute of the 2020 election were a threat to democracy, just like the President said.

WHEW. I felt so much better.


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