Voters oppose Biden’s student debt forgiveness—once they understand how it works

Voters oppose Biden’s student debt forgiveness—once they understand how it works

Based Politics

If you ask people if they support $10,000 in debt cancellation per borrower for people earning less than $150,000, very similar to Biden’s plan, 64% of people say yes, according to new polling from the Cato Institute. So is Biden’s agenda popular?

Well, not once people are presented with its consequences.

“Nearly two‐thirds of Americans oppose cancellation if forgiving $10,000 per borrower raises their taxes (64%) or if it primarily benefits higher income people (68%),” Cato reports. “About three‐fourths of Americans would oppose student debt cancellation if it caused universities to raise their tuition and fees (76%) or if it caused more employers to require college degrees even if not needed to do the job (71%), also known as ‘credential inflation.’”

“Americans don’t like the costs that many experts believe are associated with federal student loan forgiveness,” Cato Director of Polling Emily Ekins concluded.

Funny how that works. When you present people with the idea of getting stuff for free, they like the sound of it. But once you explain the costs? Not so much.


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