“A dangerous escalation”: Fifty-six percent of voters believe president Biden sought to “incite conflict”

“A dangerous escalation”: Fifty-six percent of voters believe president Biden sought to “incite conflict”

Jonathan Turley

The poll asked respondents, “What is your opinion of President Biden’s recent primetime address to the nation in which he accused his political opponents of representing ‘an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic’?”

Fifty-six said the speech “represents a dangerous in rhetoric and is designed to incite conflict amounts Americans.”

For many, the speech was the final refutation of Biden’s pledge to be a unifier as president after two years of highly partisan and divisive actions. It was also a failure if intended to rally independents and others to his side. Yet, the speech may have had more modest objectives. The same 35 percent of hardcore supporters liked the speech and Biden may have decided, again, to play to that base.

Whatever the reason, the speech added to the rage of our politics.


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