Don't let wokeism ruin Thanksgiving

Don't let wokeism ruin Thanksgiving


The 2022 celebration is the 401st anniversary of the very first Thanksgiving. Abe Lincoln made Thanksgiving a national holiday. When Lincoln declared it a national holiday celebrated on November 26, it superseded Evacuation Day held on November 25, commemorating the British withdrawal from the United States after the American Revolution.

Woke America, however, tells us not to enjoy the day. They say Thanksgiving is a bad day, a celebration of genocide. However, some Woke people believe we should have kept Evacuation Day because Thanksgiving is inherently racist and evil. …

This coming Thursday and every fourth Thursday of November in the future. Be thankful for all the blessings you’ve had in your life. That includes another concept the Woke people hate. You are living in the best damn country in the world.

And to celebrate, hang out with family (without talking politics), watch football (if you’re not a Jets fan), and stuff yourself with turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce. After stuffing yoursel, like millions of other Americans, take a power nap thanks to the tryptophan in the turkey you ate.

So shove the wokeism in the same general area where former NY Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez fumbled the ball, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


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