My $.02 on Hunter Biden laptop

My $.02 on Hunter Biden laptop

By David Strom

As Ed noted earlier, CBS News has stumbled onto a big scoop: Hunter Biden left a laptop behind at a computer repair shop, and it has a bunch of salacious and potentially damning documents on it.

They even verified that the laptop is Hunter’s! What a scoop! I wonder if other media outlets will pick up the story and run with it? This could be Joe Biden’s downfall, since the rumor is that there are lots of documents stored on the laptop that make it appear that Hunter was influence peddling, and Joe was collecting money through the back door for making policy decisions!

Not to mention tax evasion, drugs, hookers, lots of nudity, and even evidence of human trafficking. This story could be huge!

Woodward and Bernstein stuff, I tell you. This could be bigger than Watergate!

OK, enough with the sarcasm.

CBS News is of course over 2 years behind The New York Post, and even behind The New York Times, which only took more than a year to grudgingly acknowledge the facts deep inside a story on another topic.

The interesting point is not that they “discovered” the story, but why they decided to report on it now.

After COVID disagreement, the Hunter Biden laptop story is probably the most censored news in the 21st century. Mainstream media outlets “debunked” it, The New York Post was censored on Facebook and Twitter, the only mention of the story for months outside conservative circles was ridicule and disinformation coming from the Establishment™, especially the Intelligence “Community.”

It was a full blown propaganda campaign complete with fake narrative, coordinated talking points, targeted censorship, and punishments for not complying with The Narrative™.

Tom Elliott on X (formerly Twitter): “Flashback SUPERCUT! Media regurgitate CIA lie that Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation / X”

Flashback SUPERCUT! Media regurgitate CIA lie that Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation

You can find lots of supercuts of similar BS being marketed. “Journalists” pooh-poohed anybody raising the laptop story, and gave us lots of assurances that this was Russian disinformation. It is almost as if they wanted to make us believe what they thought we should, instead of report the truth. But, obviously not, because…they care about democracy.

This was a masterclass in Orwellian “history” shaping.

This was American disinformation, straight from the “reliable, fact checked” mainstream media. Russians were not involved a bit. Americans–just the “right” ones–were the people lying to you.

Are you as shocked as I? Yeah, sure.

Catherine Herridge on X (formerly Twitter): “CBS News has obtained data from a laptop purported to have belonged to Hunter Biden. The data came directly from the source who said they provided it to the FBI under subpoena.@CBS_Herridge shares what was found during an independent forensic / X”

CBS News has obtained data from a laptop purported to have belonged to Hunter Biden. The data came directly from the source who said they provided it to the FBI under subpoena.@CBS_Herridge shares what was found during an independent forensic


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