Hunter Biden called Joe at least 24 times during business meetings with clients when his father was VP, first son's ex-best friend will tell congress

Hunter Biden called Joe at least 24 times during business meetings with clients when his father was VP, first son's ex-best friend will tell congress


A former friend of Hunter Biden reportedly saw him add then-Vice President Joe Biden to several phone calls with business partners, in a story Knewz.comis watching.

Hunter’s former business partner Devon Archer is expected to spill details about his relationship with the president’s son when he appears before the House Oversight Committee in coming days.

On Sunday, July 23, a New York Postcolumnist wrote that Archer will talk about his work with Hunter Biden when both were directors of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma.

Oversight Chair Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) said Archer will discuss “all the times he has witnessed Joe Biden meeting with Hunter Biden’s overseas business partners when he was vice president, including on speakerphone.”

The announcement came after what Knewz has reported was weeks of negotiations between Archer and the House Oversight Committee.

The Washington Examiner reportedArcher canceled three appointments to provide a deposition to the committee. His original deadline to file one was Friday, June 16.

The Biden father-son phone connections reportedly happened at least two dozen times.

Archer reportedly saw one case on a Friday night in December 2015, when the owner of Burisma placed an urgent call to Hunter Biden at a bar in Dubai.

That supposedly led to Hunter Bide connecting with his father, putting the father on speakerphone and arranging a conference with two Burisma executives.

Three days after that call, the vice president flew to Ukraine to speak to the parliament against corruption.

A Ukraine general who investigated corruption at Burisma was fired in March 2016, after Vice President Bidenthreatened to block U.S. aid for the country.

Archer also reportedly will mention two business dinners Hunter Biden arranged in Washington. They may have brought the then-vice president together with executives from Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

Yet the president denies he knew anything about Hunter Biden’s business projects in eastern Europe and China.

The conference calls Archer heard apparently will not be proof of bribery. Archer reportedly heard Joe Biden only make small talk with overseas executives.

Archer, 48, is caught up of troubles of his own and is facing more than a year in jail after his conviction in a $60 million bond fraud scheme in 2018…


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