RFK Jr. poses ‘very credible threat’ to Biden’s presidency, CIA Vet reveals


Ever since Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced his bid to run for the White House in 2024, it became evident that the nephew of the 35th president, and member of the most prominent family in US politics, could shake things up. He has since been unabashedly lacing into the Biden administration’s policies while steadily notching up in the polls.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s message and policies make him “a very credible threat” to the American establishment, Larry Johnson, a retired CIA intelligence officer, told Sputnik.

Furthermore, the 2024 Democratic presidential hopeful “is not posturing,” and appears to really believe what he’s saying, according to the ex-intel-agent-turned-blogger.

The politician also known by his initials RFK Jr. spoke to former Fox News host Tucker Carlson in a video interview posted on the X social network (formerly Twitter) on Tuesday. He hauled the Biden administration over the coals for everything from the aid being continuously funneled to the Kiev regime to fight NATO’s proxy war against Russia, to the controversial issue of the Pentagon’s biological laboratories in Ukraine.

“We have bio-labs in Ukraine because we are developing bioweapons… Those bioweapons are using all kinds of new synthetic biology and CRISPR [an acronym for clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats in DNA] technology and genetic engineering techniques that were not available to a previous generation,” RFK Jr. said in the interview.

About 30 biological laboratories funded by the US Defense Department have been discovered in Ukraine during Moscow’s ongoing special military operation in the country, the Russian Defense Ministry revealed last year. The Pentagon has been running these clandestine biolabs for years, researching highly dangerous pathogens and exporting biological samples in breach of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC).

According to information cited by Russia’s MoD, the United States funneled over $200 million into its biolabs on Ukrainian soil, allegedly using them as an inherent part of the American military biological program.

In his interview with Tucker Carlson, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. noted that in 2001, the US began investing heavily in bioweapons again when “the Patriot Act reopened the biolabs arms race.” Kennedy added that the development of any biological weapon requires a vaccine, since there is a “100 percent chance” of blowback when bioweapons are used.

‘Ukraine Aid Won’t Exist Under RFK Jr.’

RFK Jr. in his Tuesday interview had proceeded to castigate the Biden administration for continuously pumping financial aid to Ukraine instead of using the resources domestically to help struggling Americans.

Ukraine aid will not exist under Bobby Kennedy,” opined Larry Johnson.

“I think anybody who will take the time to listen to Tucker’s discussion with Bobby Kennedy Jr., I think what they’ll find it very appealing and hopeful. He presents a vision that is [a] complete contradiction of what is being presented by the Biden administration. And he correctly notes that the United States has severe economic problems at home: the flood of illegal immigrants, the drug use that is savaging Democrat cities in particular, like San Francisco, Chicago, Philadelphia, – that there are real, genuine needs that should be addressed here in the United States instead of sending the money to Ukraine,” stated Larry Johnson.

Ever since the former environmental lawyer, author, and activist threw his hat into the ring for the 2024 Democratic nomination, RFK Jr. has been criticizing and exposing the Biden administration on a number of sensitive topics, most importantly the Ukraine conflict. He slammed decades of policy conducted by the US and NATO toward Ukraine and Russia for fueling the current conflagration. He also accused the federal government of blatantly lying to Americans “about everything to do with Ukraine.” “We have neglected many, many opportunities to settle this war peacefully,” Kennedy said on a previous occasion.

Such statements by RFK Jr. have invariably won him kudos among the electorate, as evidenced by polls. A July Harris Poll gave him 16 percent support against incumbent Joe Biden, while according to FiveThirtyEight’s national polling average, RFK Jr. has held steady around 15 percent all year long. The nephew of assassinated former US President John F. Kennedy has been openly denouncing decades of reckless US and NATO policy toward Ukraine and Russia, which has culminated with the current firestorm.

Kennedy’s policies and positions are genuinely espoused by him, and not just a ruse to score points in his political campaign, Larry Johnson thinks.

“Kennedy… is genuine, and he has taken these positions and stood for them in the face of great pushback and pressure. So his stances on vaccines, his criticism of the Biden administration’s warlike policies… He noted, I think, correctly, that Biden has always been a warmonger and has not sought for a peaceful solution. So I don’t think any of this is just temporary political posturing by Kennedy. He really believes what he’s saying,” said the retired CIA intelligence officer.

Looking ahead, Johnson believed that RFK Jr. is in a better position than, for example, ex-POTUS Donald Trump, to “work on a rapprochement with Russia.”

“Kennedy’s legacy, going back to his uncle John F Kennedy and then his own father, you can point to the Kennedy family’s commitment to trying to seek a peaceful relationship with Russia, and that is genuine. So I think Kennedy would have more flexibility, more room to maneuver in trying to restore relationships with Russia.”

However, all told, the policies espoused by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., similar to the case with Donald Trump, make him a “threat” to the establishment ahead of the 2024 presidential elections, Johnson claimed.

“And, I think his message, like as happened with Donald Trump in 2016, is actually going to resonate, and he is going to pose a very credible threat to Joe Biden’s ability to continue as president.”

This news originally appeared in Sputnik Globe.


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