Trump leads Biden by 10 points in newly released national poll of the 2024 presidential race…

Trump leads Biden by 10 points in newly released national poll of the 2024 presidential race…

  • A new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows Trump leading Biden by a 10-point margin (52%-42%).
  • But WaPo suggested the survey may be an outlier after examining several subgroup results.
  • Most national polls taken in recent months have showed a close race between Biden and Trump.


As President Joe Biden ramps up his 2024 reelection bid, he continues to face a skeptical electorate, with the incumbent receiving low marks on key issues including the economy and immigration.

And with Biden poised to face former President Donald Trump in a potential rematch of their 2020 contest, the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll showed Trump leading the president by 10 points (52%-42%) — a result that even the newspaper suggests may be an outlier.

A Fox News national poll released earlier this month showed Trump leading Biden 48%-46% among registered voters, while a recent Quinnipiac University survey showed Biden ahead of Trump 47%-46% among registered voters. A Wall Street Journal poll released last month showed both men tied at 46% each among registered voters.

And a new NBC News poll released on Sunday also showed Biden and Trump tied at 46% among registered voters.

In explaining how Trump’s 10-point lead could potentially be an outlier, The Washington Post highlighted “the difference between this poll and others, as well as the unusual makeup of Trump’s and Biden’s coalitions in this survey.”

Should Trump become the GOP nominee, he would clearly be very competitive in a race with Biden at this juncture, but several numbers stand out in the Washington Post-ABC News poll.

In both the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections, Trump won 46% and 47% of the national popular vote, respectively. So the former president now earning support from 52% of the electorate — when he remains widely unpopular among a broad segment of voters — could be seen by many as an outlier.

The poll also found that Trump had a 30% lead with male voters (62%-32%), while Biden had a 9% edge among women (52%-43%).



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