Iran executes 100 CHILDREN each year as brutal ‘eye for an eye’ justice system sees scores of kids on death row

Iran executes 100 CHILDREN each year as brutal ‘eye for an eye’ justice system sees scores of kids on death row

IRAN horrifically executes 100 children each year as their brutal “eye for an eye” justice system sees scores of kids on death row.

The barbaric laws, known as Qisas, leave prisoners – including children as young as nine – facing torture, unfair trials and public executions as punishment.

Human rights groups have again hit out at the country’s vile depravity which takes place behind closed doors and defies international laws after a report revealed shocking truths hidden behind the criminal justice system.

The annual report of Human Rights Activists of Iran revealed 85 youngsters are currently on death row – despite capital punishment being prohibited worldwide for under 18s.

They estimate up to 100 children are secretly put to death each year and believe authorities haven’t publicised more than 82 per cent of executions.

Under the Middle Eastern country’s Islamic law, boys over 15 and girls over the age of nine can be tried as an adult for capital crimes such as murder.

They can therefore be sentenced to death – in utter disregard for the public outrage or international condemnation they may face.

Under its Islamic Penal Code, a death sentence can be handed down for crimes such as kidnapping, adultery, drinking alcohol, political offences and murder.

They can therefore be sentenced to death – in utter disregard for the public outrage or international condemnation they may face.

Under its Islamic Penal Code, a death sentence can be handed down for crimes such as kidnapping, adultery, drinking alcohol, political offences and murder.

Iran covertly flogged and executed two teenage cousins in April 2019 after an “unfair trial” – and didn’t even notify them they had been sentenced to death.

Mehdi Sohrabifar and Amin Sedaghat, both 17, were convicted of rape and spent two years in a juvenile centre in Shiraz before their deaths, according to Amnesty International.

The pair bore lash marks on their bodies – suggesting they had been brutally flogged – before they were both secretly hung.

Their families and lawyers were also not informed about their executions in advance, the human rights group said.

Philip Luther, Amnesty’s Middle East and North Africa Director, said of the killings: “It seems they cruelly kept these two boys in the dark about their death sentences for two years, flogged them in the final moments of their lives and then carried out their executions in secret.”

He dubbed the death penalty punishment a “flagrant assault on children’s rights” and hit out at Iranian authorities “disregard of international law”.

The country is the top executioner of children in the world, Amnesty added.

Luther continued: “We have identified a trend in which Iran’s authorities are carrying out executions of juvenile offenders in secret and without giving advance notice to the families, seemingly in a deliberate attempt to avoid global outrage.”

The untold stories of thousands of executions reveal a chilling trend in Iran’s sickening secret execution spree.

Read the full story in The Sun


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