Israel’s opposition leader gives evidence at Netanyahu’s corruption trial

Israel’s opposition leader gives evidence at Netanyahu’s corruption trial


Israel’s opposition leader has given evidence for the prosecution against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his corruption trial in Jerusalem.

Yair Lapid, a former prime minister himself and a major Netanyahu rival, is giving evidence in one of three cases against Netanyahu.

The indictment claims Netanyahu used his position of power to further Hollywood mogul Arnon Milchan’s interests in exchange for gifts, representing a conflict between the premier’s public duties and personal friendship.

Netanyahu did personal favours for Mr Milchan, including asking American officials to extend Mr Milchan’s US resident’s permit and extending Israeli regulations exempting Israeli returnees from declaring foreign income, according to the indictment.

Israel’s longest-serving leader denies claims of wrongdoing, saying he was not acting in Mr Milchan’s personal interests and even occasionally acted against them. He says the exchanges of gifts were just friendly gestures…


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