China’s crematoriums running ’24-hours a day’ as Covid deaths soar again

China’s crematoriums running ’24-hours a day’ as Covid deaths soar again


China’s crematoriums are reportedly working 24-hours a day to try and keep up with the soaring rise in deaths from Coronavirus.

The JN.1 strain of Covid has been sweeping the world for the last month, becoming the dominant strain in many countries – including the UK and China. And in the World Health Organisation’s latest report into it, officials have also reclassified the strain as its own separate variant, rather than being a variant of interest connected to others.

The report states: “In recent weeks, JN.1 continues to be reported in multiple countries, and its prevalence has been rapidly increasing globally and now represents the vast majority of BA.2.86 descendent lineages reported to GISAID. Due to its rapidly increasing spread, WHO is classifying JN.1 as a separate variant of interest (VOI) from the parent lineage BA.2.86.”


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