Putin crony found dead in yet another mystery fall from window

Putin crony found dead in yet another mystery fall from window

The body of yet another Vladimir Putin ally has been found following a suspected fall from a third-floor window.


Vladimir Egorov, 46, was a member of the ruling United Russia party and prominent politician in the oil-rich Tobolsk region in western Siberia.

His body was found in the yard of his home, with a source close to the investigation noting there was ‘no visible sign of a criminal death on [his] body’.

Heart problems are among ‘the most likely’ explanations, according to Russian media, in line with several untimely deaths among prominent figures since the start of the war on Ukraine.

How that relates to Egorov falling out of a window is less clear.

News outlet Baza reported: ‘Police are now investigating what exactly caused his fall.’

A trained lawyer with business interests, Egorov had earlier been forced to leave the city administration in 2016 after a corruption scandal for which he was ultimately not convicted. 

He returned to politics and was the wealthiest local deputy in Tobolsk. He leaves a wife and two children. 

Egorov is the latest figure within the Kremlin inner circle to meet their death in suspicious circumstances.

Lukoil tycoon Ravil Maganov, 67, who fell from a window of Moscow’s elite Central Clinical Hospital, also known as the Kremlin clinic, was also reported to be suffering from heart problems. 

There were suspicions of murder but reports said Maganov had been in hospital for a longstanding heart problem and fell from a sixth floor window, dying on the spot, in September last year.


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