World War 3 fears grow as Norway stockpiles ahead of ‘apocalyptic future’


Norway will begin to stockpile grains again in preparation for the “unthinkable” . . . World War 3.

The Scandinavian nation is preparing for an apocalyptic future, claiming the recent pandemic, climate change and the war in Ukraine made the move essential. Norway’s government signed a deal with four private countries to store 30,000 tonnes of grain in 2024 and 2025, reports SFGate.

Norway’s minister for agriculture and food, Geir Pollestad, said: “Building up a contingency stock of food grains is about being prepared for the unthinkable”.

The nation’s finance minister Trygve Slagsvold Vedum added: “There should be an extra level of security in the event of major disruptions in the international trade systems or failure of national production. This is an important part of the government’s work to strengthen national preparedness.”

Norway will squirrel away wheat across existing facilities owned by the companies. Three of these companies will store at least 15,000 tonnes this year. The Norwegian government said the involved companies can invest in new facilities and decide for themselves where they store the emergency supplies, but they must make the grain available when it’s needed by the state.



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