UK records sharp decline in migration of students, foreign workers

UK records sharp decline in migration of students, foreign workers


The number of foreign workers and students moving to the United Kingdom has plummeted by nearly 30 per cent this year, according to new figures released by the Home Office.

The drop, from 121,000 to 85,200 in the first five months of this year, aligns with both the Conservative and Labour parties’ promises to reduce net migration.

This marks the largest decline since the pandemic, with skilled workers, students, and health and care visa holders comprising the bulk of migration to the UK.

These three groups, along with their dependents, accounted for a total of 1.13 million visas issued last year.

The Telegraph reports that the decline is largely attributed to measures implemented by the government, including restrictions on foreign workers and students bringing dependants, increased salary thresholds for skilled workers, and curbs on the shortage of occupation visa schemes.

According to the data, net migration stands at 685,000 for the year ending December 2023, down from a record high of 764,000 in the previous year.



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