Is Joe Biden sick? Body language expert explains President’s scratchy voice in ‘terrible’ start

Joe Biden’s voice sounded weak and hoarse in the debate against Donald Trump


Joe Biden and Donald Trump are squaring off tonight in the first of two pivotal presidential debates. While the future of US politics hangs in the balance, Biden’s voice was stealing the spotlight.

Biden’s vocal condition has viewers worried, spawning accusations about the 81-year-old’s health. Human behavior and body language expert Mark Bowden explained why Biden’s voice sounded weak.

He told the Irish Star: “Biden did not seem to recognize where the camera was on his entrance. His voice was hoarse.”

The best-selling author and founder of TruthPlane, suggested Biden’s voice lacked “power”.

He said: “His voice does not have any power behind it. He does not have the lung power I would say.”

It seems Biden’s vocal issues may well be the result of a short term issue, like sickness. Mark, who is one member of The Behavior Panel team, went on: “He was better in the state of the nation just a few days back.”

He added: “Not a great look for him right from the start. He’s not finding the camera when he’s talking. Terrible start given the narrative of him being infirm.”

It’s not clear if Biden is feeling unwell, but many viewers expressed their concerns.

One wrote: “Biden sounds like he’s got a cold; his voice is scratchy.”

“What’s up with Biden’s voice?” another asked. One wrote: “Biden has bad phlemmy voice.”

“Biden’s voice sounds bad. Not a good sign,” another said.



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