Baffling symptoms point to a single, deadly disease


America is sick. The nation is riddled with many self-inflicted wounds and ailments. We need to administer the hard but cleansing medicine of a landslide election.

As we know all too well from the onslaught of COVID-19 in 2020, the symptoms of a disease can be baffling. With COVID, some victims had painful symptoms while others had little more than an impending feeling that something wasn’t right. Was it just a bad cold or the flu? The symptomatology was so varied that it defied easy diagnosis. Thankfully for the world, a single test emerged that could prove with near-total confidence whether or not one had the dreaded virus.

The same idea may be applied to a body politic, particularly a constitutional republic such as ours. An everyday litmus test can be applied: How well does the nation function in accordance with its constitutional and common laws, which preserve the liberties and rights of its citizenry as a common body?

If judged accordingly, our country is experiencing a hundred different symptoms that may appear baffling if they are considered individually.

Consider the IRS attacks on Tea Party groups ahead of the critical 2012 elections. At first glance, it may seem like a government agency went rogue. But then recall how the Department of Health and Human Services, around the same time, used the hammer of regulations and fines against the Little Sisters of the Poor for holding true to the right to life. And we mustn’t forget how the Obama administration spied on reporters and used the Espionage Act against whistleblowers.

Taking all of those factors into account, we might think our body politic isn’t just suffering from a cold but something far more serious.

Is the federal takeover of the U.S. education system, which began in 1965 and culminated in 2010 with the takeover of the student loan industry, a single symptom or something far worse? When viewed alongside the rise of diversity, equity, and inclusion cult, critical race theory, and the demonization of our nation’s founding principles, a citizen-doctor could be forgiven for becoming alarmed at the cumulative effects of those seemingly disparate symptoms.

When we consider the lengths to which the Justice Department, the FBI, and the media went to bury evidence of Hillary Clinton’s wrongdoing ahead of the 2016 election, we might think it is just a rash of Hillary being Hillary. But when we also see the investigation of Clinton’s opponent, manufactured and filled with false evidence by the same law enforcement agencies with the aid of the lapdog media to pervert the truth, that’s more than a rash.

When compounded by a complicit political party acting on a mountain of lies and phony investigations to remove a duly elected president, any resident doctor would diagnose our body politic as gravely ill. But it’s worse than that.

In 2020, when a movement began to demoralize and defund law enforcement agencies in cities nationwide, that symptom alone would require an emergency…


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