The Adagbada Arola area of Apete, Ibadan, Oyo State, broke out in confusion on Wednesday when the hair and flesh covering the head of a five-year-old girl, Moridiyat Rauf, was bitten off by a dog when she went into the house to greet the owner, an elderly female.
The girl, as the usual practice, had gone to the dog owner’s house to greet and play with her, with the belief that the animal had been secured in its cage.
However, unknown to the woman, whose name was given as Mrs Esther (surname withheld), the dog had somehow loosened the padlock used to hold the cage, and as the girl came in, it pounced on her.
The dog owner reportedly struggled to extricate the girl from the dog but was unsuccessful, making her shield the badly injured Moridiya with her body.
Angry at the move, the dog descended on its owner, bit off her tongue and tore off a big chunk of flesh off of her face.
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