Brazilian Police indict former President Jair Bolsonaro in undeclared diamonds case

Brazil’s Federal Police have indicted former President Jair Bolsonaro on charges of money laundering and criminal association related to undeclared diamonds he allegedly received from Saudi Arabia during his term in office. The accusations stem from an investigation into the far-right leader’s purported involvement in a scheme involving undisclosed diamond receipts.

This is Bolsonaro’s second indictment since leaving office, following another in May for allegedly falsifying his COVID-19 vaccination certificate. But this indictment dramatically raises the legal threats facing the divisive ex-leader that are applauded by his opponents but denounced as political persecution by his supporters.

Bolsonaro did not immediately comment, but he and his lawyers have previously denied any wrongdoing in both those cases, as well as other investigations into the former president. One is probing his possible involvement in inciting an uprising in capital Brasilia on Jan. 8, 2023 that sought to oust his successor from power.

Last year, Federal Police accused Bolsonaro of attempting to sneak in diamond jewelry reportedly worth $3 million and selling two luxury watches.



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